Biogas to pipeline upgrade facility

Photo of First Renewables BiogasUpgradingFacility
Clarus business, First Renewables Biogas upgrade facility transforms kerbside food waste into biomethane, a renewable substitute for natural gas. Located at Ecogas’ Organics Processing Facility in Reporoa, it’s the first facility of its kind in New Zealand and marks a significant milestone in New Zealand’s journey towards a sustainable, low-carbon energy future! 


Latest project updates

  • Tomatoes

    Tomatoes anyone?

    As part of the First Renewables biogas upgrade facility we have commenced construction of a regenerative thermal oxidiser (RTO). The RTO is designed to upgrade renewable carbon dioxide (bioCo2) that is produced during the biogas to biomethane upgrade process. Once completed the bioC02 will be pumped into a near-by glasshouse encouraging big, delicious tomatoes to grow!

  • March 2024

    Meet Tim Lepper - our biogas upgrade project manager

    Tim Lepper, the Senior Project Manager says that its taken 18 months of planning, documenting and detailed design to get to the start of the construction. But now, the foundations are largely completed, many of the major pieces of equipment have been landed and the next phase is finishing off mechanical and electrical work scopes. “There’s a real sense of momentum now – I get quite excited when I start to see physical things being bolted down to the ground, and pipework being built and installed. We’re at the stage where everything’s happening.” Lepper says one of the joys of his job is solving a wide array of problems on this fascinating project. And creating a facility that will help reduce emissions is also a major motivator.

  • December 2023

    New pipeline laid to transport the renewable gas

    Our First Renewables biogas upgrade facility site is starting to take shape. The pipeline has been laid down and will disappear underground prior to Christmas. This pipeline will transport the renewable gas from the upgrade facility to the Firstgas network. Once up and running we estimate initial production will supply enough renewable gas, equivalent to supplying up to 7,200 homes to enjoy the benefits of gas in their existing appliances, avoiding about 11,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

  • June 2023

    Eneraque compressor forms essential part of upgrading process

    Australian company, Eneraque has been commissioned to supply the compressor, which forms an essential part of the biomethane upgrading facility. The compressor enables us to take Ecogas’ biogas from the anaerobic digesters and send it through the upgrading process, turning it into biomethane, a type of renewable gas. The pressure generated by the compressor then allows the biomethane to be transported through Firstgas’ transmission pipeline to customers on our network. This technology is a first of its kind for New Zealand.