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Clarus is committed to pursuing clean energy solutions to help New Zealand reach net zero carbon by 2050. This hub provides information, I'm a link in the paragraph, updates and our latest developments as we look to the future of renewable gas. anchor link here.

  1. I'm a link in the order list
  2. Our latest developments
  3. committed to pursuing a clean

***updates and our latest developments as we look to the future of renewable gas. anchor link here


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if the tableis not too wide
 2023 data is based on preliminary data sets and has not yet been verified. This data is therefore subject to change. The preliminary data sets contain only 6 months of Firstlight Network data (1April – 30 September) as ownership transferred 1st April 2023.On preliminary data sets and has not yet been verified. This data is therefore subject to change. The preliminary data sets contain only 
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GHG Protocol ScopeISO CategoryEmissions Activity2019 202020212022*2023**
1Category 1Direct GHG emissions87,81191,66893,637102,57492,513
2Category 2Indirect GHG emissions - Imported energy + Electricity supply distribution losses (Firstlight Network)414194***3543931,390
3Category 3 & 4Indirect GHG emissions - Transportation/product use9,8009,24010,01011,27112,682
 Category 5Indirect GHG emissions - Use of products from organisation: Rockgas (LPG Sales)225,147220,560234,437238,755237,641
 Category 6Indirect GHG emissions - Other sources: Firstgas - (Natural Gas Transmission)8,816,4219,476,3498,482,1507,981,3496,805,657
 Total 9,139,5939,798,0108,820,5888,334,3427,149,883





As part of our ongoing work to reduce emissions, we continue to look to minimise our direct operational emissions (Category 1-4 emissions). The reduction in Category 1 emissions between 2022 and 2023 was primarily driven by a reduction in fuel gas used for compression and heating, plus reduced volumes of natural gas venting.

The increase in Category 2 emissions between 2022 and 2023 can be largely attributed to Clarus accounting for GHG emissions associated with ‘network line losses’ following the acquisition of Firstlight Network. Increased emissions associated with our imported LPG and subsequent international shipping movements is the main contributing factor for the increase in Category 3 & 4 emissions.