Firstgas successfully completed the Maui Pipeline tie-ins project over Auckland Anniversary weekend in 2022.
The Maui Pipeline is New Zealand’s largest gas transmission pipeline and is used to transport natural gas to about 300,000 domestic, commercial and industrial gas users throughout the North Island.
The project involved:
- Realigning the Maui Pipeline at Gilbert Stream because of the risk posed by coastal erosion.
- Removing a temporary bypass installed around a section of Maui Pipeline at Pariroa impacted by land movement and implementing a permanent repair.
An enormous team effort
We had allowed 55-hours for the completion of this complex engineering project, including a contingency for any unforeseen issues. In the end the work was completed safely within 30 hours – a testament to the crews on the job and everyone involved in the planning over previous months and years.
The team worked through a well-planned and executed programme designed to minimise impact and ensure normal gas supply to customers while the repairs were completed.
This has been an enormous effort that has involved a large team from Firstgas – not only those involved in construction and connection of the repaired sections of pipeline, but an even bigger team of employees, contractors and consultants who were involved in the planning and preparation.
Key to minimising disruption during the tie-in processes was the agreement from several major users to reduce demand so that we could maintain normal supplies to all other industrial, commercial and domestic gas users. We would specifically like to thank Contact Energy, Genesis Energy, Fonterra and Refining New Zealand for their support. Without their help and cooperation, the project works could not have been completed without significant disruption.
Firstgas also engaged extensively with landowners, neighbours and iwi to ensure they were fully informed of the project and how it may impact them. We would also like to extend a special thank you to these important stakeholders and acknowledge how they have worked constructively and collaboratively to help make the project a success.
It is with considerable pride and a sense of achievement that we look back on what the Firstgas team and its contractors have accomplished during a project that has involved hundreds of people over three years. It was the focus, commitment and expertise of all those involved that enabled the successful delivery of this project and ensured the ongoing reliability and integrity of New Zealand’s gas transmission system.

A few of the team working hard on-site to realign the Maui Pipeline