Powerco has co-commissioned an independent report with Clarus and Ecogas looking at the potential for biogas to reduce Aotearoa New Zealand’s emissions and increase renewable energy.
The Blunomy report formed part of an aligned submission to MBIE on the Gas Transition Issues Paper in November 2023.
It shows how the energy, agricultural and waste sectors could collaborate to reduce New Zealand’s emissions by capturing biogas produced from organic waste breaking down and using it to produce renewable natural gas for the gas network.
In doing so Aotearoa would reduce its emissions and waste volume and grow the percentage of renewable energy being used.
Key findings of the report
The report found that there’s currently 4.9PJ of biogas being produced in New Zealand annually, most of which is being flared as part of waste processing.
With a further 9.5PJ of untapped potential in the North Island and 9.1PJ in the South Island, up to 23.5PJ of biogas could be produced annually across New Zealand.
In producing that volume of biogas, Aotearoa would reduce its annual emissions by 3.7mtCO2-e – contributing up to 27% of the Emissions Reduction Plan target of reducing emissions by 14 – 28mtCO2-e by 2050.
It would also contribute 23% of the reductions of waste from landfill required to meet our annual target of 2.5Mt municipal landfill waste per annum by 2050.
If 11PJ of biogas was supplied through the gas network it could increase the use of new renewable energy in New Zealand by 9% as the country works towards a goal of 50% renewable energy by 2035.
Currently, the over 300,000 homes connected to gas use 6.8PJ annually.
Read the full report - Vision for Biogas in New Zealand.